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    • nabh
    • 28-year-of-vmh

Neuro Surgery


Accident and trauma care is being given to all needy patients from in and around Thanjavur of about 8 districts.

Highly equipped department with good Neuro emergency casualty, Neuro ICU, Neuro operation theatre.

Having highly qualified and trained Neuro staff nurses with good patient care and bed side manners.

Neuro ICU equipped with advanced Monitors, Ventilators.

All Neuro surgeries being done here. Head injuries, Spine injuries, Neuro Oncological surgeries, Neuro vascular surgeries and Paediatric Neuro surgeries,

Giving excellent care for all stroke patients… ranging from emergency Thrombolysis to emergency decompressive craniotomy for malignant infarcts and haemorrhagic stroke patients.

Vinodhagan Memorial Hospital is the first private hospital started all the Neurosurgery critical service to the needy with utmost care and high standard with speedy recovery in a low cost.

Service renderd being recognized by the public with good reputation.

Our Doctors

Awesome Image

R. V. Sundar

M. Ch.,
  • Consultant:
    Neuro Surgeon

R. V. Sundar

M. Ch.,
Awesome Image

Dr. M. Krishna Kumar

M. S., M. CH., NEURO.,
  • Consultant:
    Neuro Surgeon

Dr. M. Krishna Kumar

M. S., M. CH., NEURO.,
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